士毛月 - 世外桃源
Nirvana Memorial Garden
Nirvana Memorial Garden is just next to the existing Nirvana Memorial Park. Totaling 209 acres, the Nirvana Memorial Garden is a newly developed memorial park which is only 2 km away from Nirwana Memorial Park. It is an environmentally serena burial land blessed with great Fengshui, with comtemporary design.
This all new memorial park sets a new benchmark for the establishment of a peaceful environment that has specific zones catering to Buddhists, Taoist and Christians. The current developed plan of Nirvana Memorial Garden includes an Artistic Garden, Theme Garden, Christian Memorial Garden and a Christian Columbarium. These integrated burial plots are located at and designed with tranquil settings.
Renown Fengshui Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai has hign praises for Nirvana Memorial Garden - "Nirvana Memorial Garden, a piece of good fengshui land gathers wind and energy, complemented by the "Green Dragon" on the left and "White Tiger" on the right. It is bound to bring good fortune and blessings for posterity."
Nirvana Memorial Garden, indeed a serene final resting Ground.
Chinese Calligraphy Stone Gallery Malaysia
再造千古人文風華 重現先賢智慧結晶
(一) 中國歷代各體文字與書法名作碑刻,展現漢字演變軌跡及歷代書法家與名人;
(二) 我國已故書法家及前賢遺作;
(三) 國際已故書法家作品。
Reinvigorating ancient culture and wisdom through the concept of necropolis
Stone lettering/ carving and the ancient calligraphy are two inseparable art forms. From ancient times until today, masterpieces of the renowned calligraphers were mostly immortalized on stone carvings and letterings. Generation after generation, such masterpieces became one of the most treasured articles, resonating the greatness of ancient humankind civilization. On historical accounts, stone lettering/ carving knits closely with humanity, religion and of course, the culture of remembering and honouring the departed.
Stone lettering/ carving lays a showcase of perennial historical accounts across different times, encompassing the lives, knowledge, wisdom, maturity, charisma and heritage of the greats. Calligraphy stands for one of the very refined forms of art. The Chinese Calligraphy Stone Gallery is inspired by the beauty of ancient wisdom.
The newly established gallery portrays the repackaging of the Chinese culture with contemporary senses,body and soul. The history of stone gallery has spanned over a few thousand years within and outside China. It weaves across the barriers of culture and time. Proudly, Chinese Calligraphy Stone Gallery at Oriental Villa spreads the seeds of cherishing the beauty of ancient wisdom as you remember your beloved soul, thanks to the attention-to-detail undertakings by the sculptors, calligraphers and landscapers.
Malaysia's Chinese Calligraphy stone Gallery is both a microcosm of history in the development of Chinese characters and also the ancient and modern calligraphy art to showcase the humane quality and artistic characteristics of Chinese culture. It has also become an important tourist attraction.
Burial Plot
藏風聚氣 得天獨厚
Excellent Feng Shui
Nirvana Memorial Garden shelters the cherished energy of the universe (Ling Qi in Chinese) that is resonant of the kindness and tranquility of this locale. This renders a perfect setting for the convergence of "easy wind" and "uplifting energy" as inspired by an ideal Feng Shui where all the good elements overwhelmingly are in place. This bears witness to a testament to ten distinctions of prosperity and nobility alongside five lucky stars, as Fengshui calls it.
Oriental Villa
A Place Where The Departed Soul Lives In Grandeur, Without Regrets
A signature masterpiece by Nirvana Memorial Garden as manifested in the multi-million ringgit, known as Oriental Villa. Oriental Villa nestles on the fringes of the invigorating green hills spurred by emerald streams and lake. The scene becomes intensely poetic with the chirpy birds mingling around as you stroll across the small bridges.
Vintage ambience embraces the columbarium as creativity reaches its peak. Be inspired by the precise Feng Shui settings that exude the beauty and liveliness of this universe as nature intended. It takes your breath away with a visit to a utopia found only through imagination.
Life comes in abundance at this marvelously created vintage Oriental Villa. The beauty of nature earns its respect in the form of harmonizing cultural values and aesthetic appreciation. This is a place where the departed soul continues to live as eternity finds its home.
In an effort to elevate the dignity of the departed soul, Nirvana Memorial Park takes pride in establishing a Chinese Calligraphy Stone Gallery, the largest Chinese Calligraphy Stone Gallery in Southeast Asia. Look forward to treasuring the magnificence of the Chinese stone art that immortalizes endless accounts on the greatest figures of our ancient history.
This is a final resting place where the departed soul calls it home. The very design of Oriental Villa embodies the timeless wisdom of humankind, fit for the ancient emperors and scholars. This is simply a migration of the soul from the living world to a neverland, where the departed soul lives in beauty and grandeur, without regrets.
Ma Tou Qiang
“桃源古鎮”以中國古建築最重要的流派之一 “徽派建築” 的主要特色——馬頭牆為設計概念。馬頭牆高低錯落,一般為兩疊式、或三疊式,人口較多的家庭,因有前後廳,馬頭牆的疊數可多至五疊,俗稱 ”五嶽朝天“。馬頭牆設計錯落有致,為那精緻、呆板的牆體,凸顯出一種動態的美感。
馬,在中國古代眾多的動物中,稱得上是一種吉祥物,“一馬當先、馬到成功、汗馬功勞”, 等等成語,顯現出當時人們對馬的崇拜與喜愛,並以酷似馬頭的圖案用於建築設計中,故稱之為“馬頭牆”。
從高處眺望,古樸自然、幽美如畫的“桃源古鎮” 骨灰殿彷彿聚族而居的村落,高低起伏的馬頭牆,給人視覺產生一種“萬馬奔騰”動感,也寓意著先主靈位安豐於此,福蔭集於一堂,庇佑後代子孫,興旺發達,福澤綿綿。
Prosperity For Many Generations To Come
Oriental Villa is strongly characterized by the ancient Chinese architecture. One of its key hallmarks is the horse-head-shaped roof structure (called Ma Tou Qiang in Chinese). This unique architectural design sports an inclined pattern of a combination of rafters and eaves.
Jutting out from the corners of the roof, Ma Tou Qiang steals the limelight of the roof design with its horse-head-shaped prominence that adds splendour to the roof, thanks to its visually dimensional presence. Ma Tou Qiang comes in either a two-tier, three-tier or five-tier design. The five-tier design symbolizes the way of harnessing the best vibes from the perfectly present five surrounding hills.
Horse is regarded as as very auspicious animal in the Chinese mythology since the birth of Chinese civilization. There are many Chinese idioms featuring the word 'horse' that assert how Chinese adore this great animal. The incorporation of a horse-head roof design makes the overall profile of the ancient Chinese architecture even more impressive.
Standing tall overlooking the tranquil surroundings, the Oriental Villa columbarium befriends a sea of vibrant houses in a dreamlike environment as the design intended. It is a brilliant design that transcends the respect to the departed soul. It is home to eternal prosperity.
Oriental Villa- Columbarium
“桃源古鎮” 骨灰殿內堂富麗雅緻,金碧輝煌的骨灰閣,排列有序,給予訪客寬敞明亮之感,其整體裝潢風格堂皇而不失莊嚴,以彰顯先祖的尊貴顯赫氣勢。
Grab The Limited Yet Precious Urn Compartments
Be thrilled by the extravagance of the columbarium, which houses the golden compartments for placing the urns of the departed. All the compartments are orderly placed to provide a graceful and comfortable impression the very moment you enter the columbarium. Most importantly, the columbarium is thoughtfully designed to emanate a strong sense of respect and dignity that the departed soul deserves.
The columbarium adopts the ancient Chinese architecture design to complement the eternal homeland of the departed. This is a tranquil final resting place that offers absolute peace. Every compartment carries a pair of elegantly designed doors when once opened, a light shines, thus rendering a very special honour to the departed soul.
This very distinguished columbarium boasts a proud list if credentials from designing to materials sourcing and workmanship. It is a result of endless outstanding diligence. As a matter of fact, the columbarium can only house a limited number of compartments to answer the demands. Therefore, grab the opportunity to own one of these treasured slots.
Christian Memorial Garden
The Christian Memorial Garden at the Nirvana Memorial Garden, is a whole new, serene final resting ground for believers. Comes with different plots such as Zone Joshua, Matthew, Benjamin and Jacob, these integrated burial plots for Christians are located at and designed with tranquil settings.
In an ambience that is as close to recreating the serenity of a celestial retreat as human imagination will allow, this Christian zone of the Memorial Park sets a new benchmark for the establishment of a peaceful environment. Detailed landscaping which incorporates biblical iconography effectively reflects the sort of calm expected by individuals in emotionally challenging moments.
With its contemporary attraction, it would certainly appeal to Christians alike.
Christian Columbarium
The artistic Christian Columbarium is a masterpiece if Christian bereavement care architectural design unlike any other in the market. It showcases a unique style that exudes a distinctive Christian character, one that gets the best of both worlds; refined, exquisite design and contemporary idea. The quaint facade reinforces the serene, Christian identity. A whole new chapter in the masterly shapes and shades of Christian columbarium is thus unveiled.
Multi-purpose Complex
位於富貴山莊《世外桃源》的聚仙樓,耗資馬幣2千萬打造,由布丹仁波切法師主持開光,氣勢磅礴的建築、獨具匠心的裝潢、 精雕細刻的雕像、恢弘莊嚴的殿堂,讓整體佈局展現莊嚴和諧的氣圍。此外,禮佛大堂前方豎立著莊嚴靜坐身高十米的西方三聖,左右偏殿供奉地藏王與大伯公,散發光芒及能量,伴隨著祥和的誦經聲,接引先人往生極樂世界,庇佑後人福壽安康。
With approximately RM20 million inverted into this luxurious and magnificent memorial complex to enshrine ancestors in a solemn yet harmony environment. Earlier, we are proud and honored to have a high-ranking monk from Bhutan (the future chief monk in the kingdom) had blessed a religious dedication caremony (also known as eye-lighting caremony) upon the Western Three Saints in the Multi Purpose Complex. Western Three Saints blesses the departed with nirvana call while seeking spiritual eminence and good health for prosperity.