士毛月 - 富貴山莊
Nirvana Memorial Park
Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih is the largest memorial park in the world. It is strategically situated in Semenyih, Selangor with approximately 515 acres of land and only 25 minutes accessible via highways from Kual Lumpur. Nirvana burial plots are recognized by internationally acclaimed Fengshui masters as excellent geomancy sites which creating an atmosphere of peacefulness for the resting of the departed loved ones.
Nirvana Feng Shui is supported by hills and good contours as well as "dragon" on its left and a "tiger" on its right, commanding an ideal setting geomancy. Pre-planning of burial plots and erection of pre-need tombs will help promote longevity and health, passing down blessing of prosperity of prosperity upon posterity.
Nirvana Memorial Park is featured with its outstanding landscaping, lush greenery and beautiful flora and has won numerous awards and recognition in both state and national levels. For the second time in March 2001, an event patronized by the Prime Minister YAB Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. The awards speak volume for the overall quality landscaping in Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih.
Nirvana Memorial Park comes with integrated designs and a systematic management ran by professionals and it is adequately equipped with ample parking bays, spacious roads and other infrastructure that caters to prays need. The wide range burial products suit the needs of various non-muslim religions.
Also, Nirvana has set up the perpetual maintenance trust fund which to ensure the long-term maintenance of the park and customers only need to pay a one-and-for-all maintenance fee. The service provided by the fund included 24-hour security, maintenance of cleanliness and landscaping service.
Nirvana Golden Dragon
Nirvana Golden Dragon is the world's longest man-made dragon structure. The magnificent 1,000 feet long dragon body is shaped by 10,000 pieces of ceramic tiles which are imported from China.
Statue of the Guan Yin, Goddess of Mercy perches on the Dragon's head signifying peacefulness of the park. The interior of the dragon is fully with air-conditioned and solemn ash urn installation ceremonies are equipped with advanced laser lighting system and sound effect are being held at the Prayer Hall.
The magnificence of the Nirvana Golden Dragon is clearly a combination of the finest in traditional art and modern architectural skills.
Chinese Dynasty Columbarium
Chinese Dynasty Columbaria is crafted from finest imported materials and fully air-conditioned. Each of the ten columbaria blocks is specially designed to project imperial grandeur and named respectfully after ten great ancient Chinese emperors. Consecration of a dignified closure at Chinese Dynasty Columbaria helps to perpetuate the legacy of filial piety and is expected to bring infinite blessings and abundance to future generations.
Bai Guang Memorial
A Musial Tomb in the shape of a piano for the remembrance of the late legendary Bai Guang is the first musical tomb in Malaysia. The Musical Tomb will play one of her famous songs "if Without You" when one stands on stones and step fronting the piano.
Today, the Bai Guang Memorial Tomb is well-known and has become one of the attraction spot to the visitors at Nirvana Memorial Park.
Peace Garden
A landscape of artworks created over a sprawling 3 acres and designed along the lines of contemporary aesthetics and elegance. The tranquil ambience is just perfect for keeping fond memories alive by re-creating a monument-like tomb to preserve and cherish remembrance and to honor those who rest in peace.
Lee Yee Musical Tomb was tribute for the remembrance of this late renowned swinger in the 70s.
The Royal
Considered as the ultimate "Land of eternal Bliss", the The Royal is fit for the rich, famous and noble.
Nirvana Ancestral Tablet
● 供奉著肅穆莊嚴及堂皇高雅的大堂
● 豪華高貴的裝潢及舒適的冷氣設備環境
● 定時誦念經文
● 體現祭祀先祖及銘記親恩的美德
A columbarium is a structure with compartments or niches (small spaces) for placement of ashes or cremated remains in urns.
In Nirvana, each compartment is a unique design with space for individual style. It is a spacious and comfortable resting place which is in harmony with a peaceful environment of great splendor and serenity.
The departed will be able to rest peacefully while their descendants acquire an abundance of prosperity, health, longevity and great fortune.
There are superb choices of single, double, or family compartment at affordable prices for choices and also caters the needs for the Buddhists, Taoists, Christian etc.
Harmonious Combination of Burial Plots
Professionally, designed plots catering for different religious beliefs blend harmoniously in the same zone.
The Gazebo Waterfall
Horticulture, clear pond, streaming waterfalls and the wayside gazebo bring out the peace and tranquility.