From Fengshui perspective, Sheng Ji is the foundation of your destiny. No one is born with a perfect 'Bazi' (self-profiling of Fengshui astrology governed by a set of elemental energies unique to each person) and to remedy such imperfection, an adjustment at the later stage of your life is required. A Fengshui inspired Sheng Ji plays a key role in strengthening the footing of your destiny by harnessing the good 'qi' from the universe. In other words, a thoughtfully established Sheng Ji helps correct the weaknesses of your Bazi through the workaround of nature.
Furthermore, the Fengshui of Sheng Ji requires a very specific orientation. This is due to a complex workaround between a human habitat and a graveyard. Sheng Ji is Fengshui method specifically adopted to enhance one's lick and course of destiny. From Fengshui perspective, Sheng Ji delivers the desired results in a fastest manner.
1. 延益壽 : 可延年益壽,讓身體更安康,心境更豁達。
2. 強精魄 : 強化體魄精神,提升正面能量。
3. 改天命 : 扶助先天八字不足,改善後天運程的不順。
4. 催官貴 : 提升官運與貴人緣。
5. 添丁財 : 提升子息運及事業財運。
6. 增善緣 : 改善子緣及姻緣。
7. 培陰騭 : 多行善積德可倍增福氣。
Enjoy the benefits of installing Sheng Ji
According to the ancestral secrets kept by Shengshui Master Shilin, there are seven key benefits of installing a Sheng Ji :
1. To promote longevity : A good health, including spiritual health, results in longevity.
2. To trigger energy : A strong body with a healthy mental stamina to motivate positive energies.
3. To change the course of your destiny : A remedy for the imperfect Bazi throught Fengshui orientation in the later stage.
4. To spur career promotion : A luck for career and guidance from a godsend.
5. To wish for a newborn and wealth : The arrival for a newborn and improvement on career and wealth.
6. To improve human luck : On matters relating to favorable circumstances, including marriage.
7. To earn merits through charity : The virtue good deeds makes you a noble person.
龍騰朝陽迎紫氣 龜伏戲水護生基
A rising dragon guzzling down auspicious chi. Taking pleasure in waterways while guarding and nourishing the Sheng Ji
NV SEED, sitting against west while embracing east, is a thoughtfully designed memorial park aimed at harnessing the auspicious 'qi' from the east for a harmonious setup. A dragon lair inspired Fengshui is fringed by undulating mountains where the 'qi' is born and traversed. The earth formations, including the mountains and waterways, signify the veins that carry the blood of the dragon flowing through the earth pathways. A dragon lair inspired Fengshui means riding on the stout back of a dragon backed by the prime mountain range with expansive sheltered openings on both sides where the presence of auspicious 'qi' is abundant. This is made perfect with the presence of swirling waterways amid layers of undulating mountains, gushing out streams of auspicious 'qi' where they are then gathered and spread onto a land of fortune. This makes Nirvana's Dragon Lair Inspired Memorial Park a much sought after fine craft, which can be likened to a chance-of-a-lifetime opportunity.
This land of fortune commands a set of imposing Fengshui dynamics, driven by a majectic dragon, which is protected by the green-dragon and white-tiger guardians on both sides as it rides on the stout back of the dragon-turtle. NV Seed overlooks an expansive opening flourished by vibrant, unobstructed waterways alongside a colurful fertile soil, set in a vigorous environment. A good, effective Sheng Ji lies in its ability to amass spirited 'qi' from the universe and Nirvana is holding the key.
This auspicious land emanates the mightiness of a dragon while being embraced by vigorous waterway in close proximity, making it a Fengshui perfect environment for fostering good fortune. It is most appropriate for people looking for a better career advancement and luck for wealth. Additionally, if you desire the guidance from a godsend, this is the right place to start with.
Dragon symbolizes utmost dignity. It boosts the fellowship and guidance from people of godsend (people of yur lucky stars) while fending off petty people. 'Dragon' is also an undisputed figure of attracting wealth.
Dragon-Turtle in Chinese is known as 'Long Gui' or 'Bi Xi'. Rumour has it that is is the incarnation of a mix between the 'God of Dragon' and 'Divine Turtle', in which the head resembles a dragon's while the body takes the form of a turtle. Both animals are considered 'beast deities' and signify power and longevity. Dragon-turtle used to be the most loved auspicious item favored by the emperors in the ancient days. In Fengshui orientation, it is used to ward off disasters while fostering fellowship and guidance from the honorable and noble-minded people.
'Turtle' is associated with longevity, kindness and harmony. It helps ward off misfortunes at the same time. The incarnation of 'dragon' and 'turtle' further glorifies it as a divine figure.
'Dragon-turtle' is perceived as the monumental figure of all divine turtles. It helps ward off misfortunes while fostering longevity, harmony and prosperity. The divine power of this figure works against the conflicts caused by offending the Tai Sui Grand Duke Jupiter (Yearly God' and other evil spirits. Altogether, 'dragon-turtle' promises good fortune and longevity. It is such a perfect combination that gives you a spiritual sturdiness from the 'dragon' and resilience from the 'turtle'.