Nirvana Memorial Park
金狮探水 霸气延绵万代兴
Superb Feng Shui
to usher in prosperity for posterity
The 220-acre Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) distinguishes itself from others with the presence of red and yellow soils, two auspicious colours from the perspective of Feng Shui. Red and yellow symbolize prosperity in Feng Shui’s definition.
From Feng Shui’s perspective, a land filled with the vibrant Chi means a world full of life. Making it more distinctive, it is tranquil and picturesque at the same time, hence befitting an ideal final resting place. Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) presents a seamless natural setup that activates the power of life of all beings. Energized by the mountains and waterways surrounding it, Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) is an eternal resting place that lives up to the spirit of ‘rest in peace’ while fostering prosperity for posterity.
Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) is surrounded by verdant rolling hills with waterways in the front, hence befitting a natural Feng Shui setup that ushers in prosperity for posterity. Backed by the mountains at the back and guarded by a dragon and a tiger on each side, this memorial park is blessed with an ideal Feng Shui setting.
The overall Feng Shui layout of Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) is characterized by the auspicious East, West, Northeast and Southeast directions predominantly to accommodate different requirements based on different passing hours and dates. This bodes well for longevity and prosperity for posterity.
A Sacred Place with Added Blessing
An awe-inspiring stupa is erected in the middle of Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) to protect all the sentient beings
In Buddhism, a Buddhist stupa serves as a marker tot a sacred space. It gathers all the divine blessings to add auspiciousness to its surroundings to lift the spirits of all sentient beings.
Four-faced Guanyin
慈悲的四面觀音安立在三聖殿正前方。 聖像的下方泉湧不断,象徵源源不絕的甘露智慧與財富。
每一面觀音各自有象徵:手把淨瓶觀音, 象徵福音; 手持佛珠觀音, 象微慈悲; 手握蓮花觀音, 象徵和平; 至於手托经篋觀音, 則象徵智慧。
Statue for Endless Blessing
The merciful Four-faced Guanyin statue stands majestically in the front portion of Three-deity Temple. Underneath the statue of the Goddess of Mercy is a flowing waterway that carries endless wisdom and wealth.
Every Guanyin statue represents a different significance. A Guanyin with a vase means endless blessing. The one holding Buddha beads represents mercy while a Guanyin with a lotus symbolizes peace. And the one with a mantra scroll implies wisdom.
Breathtaking, Tranquil
富貴山莊(巴生)畫境般的景觀世界, 有一處引人注目的佛石窟, 集中展示佛的莊嚴之美。
漫步石窟,一尊尊的佛造像如同畫卷一樣延开在眼前, 有的面容莊嚴, 有则眼含笑意, 千姿百態, 是一個可以讓人们觀佛的藝術寶地。
Breathtaking, Tranquil, Dreamy Pure Land Made in Heavon
Nirvana Memorial Park (Klang) makes a distinction with the Buddhas Cave that exudes the dignity and beauty of Buddha.
As you step foot in it, you are greeted with many Buddha statues of different composures. It is a showcase of the top notch Buddhist art that marvels your eyes.
落葉歸根 延續中華文化之傳統
A place called HOME
落葉,會歸根。 在華人傳統思想中,不論人在哪裡,不論人居何处,家总是最溫暖的避風港。無論我們走得多远,無論身在何方大陸。 遊子之心總期盼著倦鳥歸巢,盼望尋覓一個终身安定的歸宿, 等待與家人期的日子。
家族陵園延續著中華民族,“團圓”的文化傳統,除了有落葉歸根的想法之外, 也為家族後裔提供一個永久的追思空間,寄託後代子孫對往生親人的無盡思念。
Royal Family Burial Plot
Falling leaves will always stick close to the roots of the tree. In Chinese traditional thought, a place called home prevails against anything. Regardless of where you are, you still find the comfort and warmth of home that remind you your roots, from the depths of your heart. A home is the best shelter, spiritually. No matter how far you go and wherever you are, there is always a time, you and your family, settle down in a place truly called home.
This is where family memorial comes into picture. The thought of "back-to-the-roots" takes a strong stand. It s designed to mark the journey home for the departed white infusing the future generation with pleasant recollections of their departed loved ones.
● 家族陵園 ● 家族福地
● 雙/單穴福地 ● 基督徒墓園
Three-saints Temple
萬佛壇 眷顧大千世界
三聖殿的中央是金碧輝煌的萬佛壇, 擡頭一望、 為之驚艷。 天花板上的藻井、 那-一佛接一佛的精刻佛雕, 仿若萬佛" 頂" 立從天而降,周邊燈光圈圈點點、 如祥龍在繞、 默默守護著大千世界。
Divine Blessings
Standing majestically in the middle of the Three-saint Temple is a column filled with countless Buddha statues. The ceiling is crafted with many exquisite Buddha motifs to usher in more divine blessings while the harmonious lighting connotes the presence of an auspicious dragon to guarding over its surroundings.
Magnificent Columbarium
水鄉前的顯貴之局 續寫生前榮光
一座安放思念的樓宇, 景致唯美的骨灰殿堂前, 迷人的水鄉風光在給予故人精心的祝福。
藍天白雲照映, 骨灰殿堂前水波蕩漾, 殿堂的外牆上可見身份與地位象徵的“马頭牆” 建築設計, 為造就出屬於故人中意顯貴之居, 讓故人續寫生前的榮光, 享有永恆的風光。
Distinctive Eminence
This is an awe-inspiring columbarium that invokes the fond remembrance of your loved ones. Elegant and classy, it sets in motion a feel-good atmosphere to seek the divine blessings for your loved ones in a charming setting inspired by nature.
The vibrant water waves are further harmonized with blue sky and white clouds. Outside the columbarium, there are the distinctive horse-head gable designs to tell the proud stories of the departed, which are destined for eternity.